Category Archives: Race

how we construct the “other” as the biased ones

After Judge Walker’s decision that Proposition 8 in California is unconstitutional, the rumors have begun: Is he gay? For instance, here’s a clip from CNN (via Pam’s House Blend): On PHB, Pam Spaulding asks, “In what universe is the sexual … Continue reading

Posted in Queer issues and theory, Race | Leave a comment

The rise of white nationalism in the United States

This video from Democracy Now, an excerpt from Rick Rowley and Jacquie Soohen’s White Power USA, is just terrifying. It chronicles the rise of white nationalism in the United States over the last year. I’d embed it, but the embedding … Continue reading

Posted in Race | 6 Comments

thoughts on Bruno

Possible spoilers ahead. I saw Brüno in the theatres this afternoon, and I’m not sure what to make of it. I mainly went out of curiosity, because I’m fascinating by his over-the-top performances. I heard a lot of concern from … Continue reading

Posted in Queer issues and theory, Race | 7 Comments

on Judge Sotomayor

I’ve been wanting to post on the whole (racist, sexist, peculiar) rhetoric surrounding Judge Sotomayor, but I doubt I really have anything to say that hasn’t already been said. Joseph Orosco has an interesting post about Sotomayor, empathy, and the … Continue reading

Posted in Empathy, Feminism, Gender, Race | 1 Comment

caring about how language affects people

via Sociological Images, here’s a video in which Jay Smooth addresses Asher Roth use of “nappy headed hos” in a tweet. I like Smooth’s attention to care in the video:

Posted in Race | 4 Comments