The source that I will be submitting for this blog post is another news article from the Daily Telegram from Tuesday, August 10, 1954. I decided that I would further my research my going back further 13 years from the previous article. This article was selected because unlike the previous article where students were protesting University Housing for not allowing off-campus, this article is directed towards the public asking to house students off-campus.
The audience that this article is centered towards is geared towards the local Eau Claire public. The article in context pleads with the general public by stating those “who have extra rooms in there homes should make these available to students”(). The article is directly informing the public that UW-Eau Claire needs help in housing students for the fall of 1964 due to inadequate housing. The article also tries to establish ethical appeal with its audience by informing them of the opportunities of living with “young folk” and those who would house these students would have the chance to “enjoy the companionship”. By stating the positives experiences of living with students the author establishes a rapport with the audience so that the audience will help with the housing issues. The last paragraph further tries to establish a deeper connection with the audience by providing a biblical reference that “it’s more blessed to give than to receive”(). In providing context to the current housing issue that students will face and providing the benefits that students would bring to a household, the article attempts to connect with the audience through empathetic appeal and with quoting the bible to actively do good to others.
The information that this article provides is centered around the need for housing students who will not have adequate housing come fall of 1954. The article describes that although “two plans were advanced to finance the dormitory [in Eau Claire]” the project will not be completed in time for the incoming students. The project, however, once completed “the student housing problem will greatly be improved”(). This article informs the public about the current housing issues that Eau Claire was facing in 1954 and asks for the public’s help to confront this housing issue. The article points out that come fall “a large number of additional rooms, preferably in the general vicinity of the college will be needed for both men and women students”(). This article provides a contact number for those who would be interesting in providing assistance to UW-Eau Claire and be able to provide rooms for students that will be attending come fall. Overall, this article informs the general populous that, although, there is an ongoing housing project to establish more dorms the students for the fall of 1954 need the help of Eau Claire.
In response to this article without further researcher it would be believable that due to inadequate housing, the university would turn to the public in order to find appropriate housing for students. The article also provides numerical information about the amount of women that are currently being housed at UW-Eau Claire, 66, and provides information about the new dormitory that will provide housing for 133 women once it is completed. In providing concrete numerical information this article shows that the author researched the current state of affairs concerning housing and the expected solutions to this issue. I, however, have an issue believing no students were turned away in comparison to the research done previously. In “200 Students Protest University Housing Here” from 1967, the article quotes Dr. Hass that “last year we turned away 200 persons seeking admission because there was no housing either on campus or in town”. It could be possible that during this time there was at least enough housing in town that could support the incoming students in 1954, but without further information it is impossible to find out if the incoming students did find adequate housing.
This article provided new information and was rather unexpected. The previous blog entry that I made was from 1967 and students unless 21 years or older, married, or living at home were permitted to live off-campus. This article, however, due to inadequate housing on campus was aimed towards the general public to provide for off-campus living arrangements for students. I though that this was interesting, because the university did not turn these students down but rather asked for help from the public to promote the furthering of education. I think that from a student perspective the University was looking out for the students best interest in trying to find accommodations for the student in establishing a place to live. I would really like to know if students did get turned down and the experiences that general public had in housing students. I would also like to find more information about how, why, and who were able to house students. It seems as though the university may have approved certain families to house students. It would be interesting to find out more information about these families and there experiences as well. I would like to further investigate into the past possibly to the beginnings of the University and the housing that it offered.
This is an interesting article, especially after your last article! I agree with what you had to say in this blog post, it is interesting how different the reasons are in each of these articles. It is weird that before they were forcing people to stay on campus, they were pushing people off campus! I, too, am also curious as to how these housing offices came to be and who decided that they were going to be student housing, how many people were allowed to live in each house, etc.. I think that finding that information will give you a good feel on how to relate those last two blog posts. Maybe, an article from in between the times of those last two posts and see what the transition phase was? Good article though, very interesting summary!
That is very interesting. Maybe the reason they had to start turning people down because of housing issues, was because finding houses for the students to stay in didn’t work out. It will definitely be good to find an article about housing in between this article and the last one, like Claire said.