Inital Questions Answered

When I picked the topic, Miller Brewing Company, I did not know a single thing about it other than it was a beer company in Wisconsin. Throughout my research I have learned that the Miller Brewing Company is the nations second largest brewery, it has made it through the Prohibition, Great Depression, and two world wars, and the Miller Brewing Company advertisements are a huge part of the company. My initial question when starting to research this topic was: How and why did the Miller Brewing Company start in Wisconsin, were there any major difficulties along the way, and how did it become so well known? I can partially answer this question. With the research I have I can say that yes the Miller Brewing Company had some major difficulties which were, the Prohibition, Great Depression, and two world wars. I cannot however say how difficult these events hit the company with the research I have right now. I just know that the Miller Brewing Company made it through all of these events and is still going strong today. I can also add that the founder of the Miller Brewing Company, Frederick Miller, immigrated from Germany to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and started the company here after purchasing the brewery in 1855. I could not however find in my research why he immigrated to Wisconsin out of all places. The Miller Brewing Company I learned is well known due to all of the advertisements. The Miller Brewing Company had to take into account peoples values while distributing the advertisements in order to have a successful business. I still need to find more research on how the Miller Brewing Company made it through those tough events and I plan to look in the archives to see if I can find anything on the company from those times periods. I am also going to look in the archives to see if I can find any information on why Frederick Miller immigrated to Wisconsin. After researching a little more hopefully I will have even more answers to my initial question.

2 thoughts on “Inital Questions Answered

  1. It seems like you have done quite a bit of research, well done. I am very excited to see how you finish formulating your paper. I have found your topic so interesting because it is about Wisconsin beer. The questions on how Miller made it through these tough times are good questions to have. If left unanswered then you can write about it and how you struggled to find information about these events in history. Keep up the good work and good luck finishing your exploratory essay!

  2. This conclusion sounds good, I see how you need to find more information about the Miller Brewing Company to answer you question. I find your research question interesting and I enjoyed reading your blogs. I like how you have many sub questions in your one research question. I gives readers a better understanding on your research process. Looks good and good luck on your rought draft!

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