Blog Post 5

When I started this research project, I wanted to look into how three local Chippewa Falls, WI businesses contributed to their community.  As I did my research, I came to realize that two of the three businesses did not have any information on that.  I then narrowed my research question further into just one of them, the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company.  I had to adjust and expand on my question a little bit, also.  I not only had the question of how they contribute to the community, but also how did they stay successful throughout their history?

In regards to how the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewery has contributed to the community, I learned from my research that the Brewery started an event called Canoes for a Cause, where they hold events in various cities and clean up trash, debris, and invasive plant species from the riverbanks.  They do this to help the cities have cleaner waterways.  The event has gotten bigger and bigger every year.

As to how they stayed successful throughout the years, I learned that during the Prohibition the Brewery had to adjust.  They started making Leino, a non-alcoholic beverage.  When that didn’t really sell, they had to adjust again and started making and bottling soda water.

I would like to expand more on their history as a business and also has a family.  It is interesting to me on how the business has gone through the family.  It would be nice to touch on that also.

1 thought on “Blog Post 5

  1. It sounds like you were really interested in this topic. The way that you had to adjust your research question was impressive. It isn’t always easy to do that but you did a good job of narrowing down your question to make it easier to find helpful information when learning about the Jacob Leinenkugal Brewing Company. I believe that the questions that you asked were very important to the history behind this company. How they contributed to the community is important, because companies that do that shows that they truly do care about the people, which can win some people over. That was very smart on their part. Also, the question about how they stayed successful for so many years is an important question when researching a company’s history. Not every company is able to stay successful, so the fact that the Jacob Leinenkugal Brewing Company did, it shows that they were doing something right. You did a good job in finding out the history behind this program and hope that you continue your research.

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