Primary Resource

My primary resource is an interview of Bill Leinenkugel from the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company.  In this interview, he tells how he got started in the business, and what he did for work at the business.  I selected this source because it gets personal and right into the heart of the business.  Bill was not the current owner at the time.  He had retired from the Leinenkugel Brewing Company already.

The information included in this interview was a first-hand account of how Bill Leinenkugel made it to the top.  He started out with saying how he started working summers bottling at the soda water plant.  Then, when he got old enough, he graduated up to the brewery in the bottle house.  He then worked in the sales department, and was later promoted to sales manager.  Later he was named Vice President, and then Executive Vice President.  Finally, he became the President of the Jacob Leinenkugel Brewery.  He then retired as President and Vice Chairman of the Board.

This helps with my question because it gets me to understand the background history of the businesses.  It makes me realize that this business has been around for a long time and it is an important part of the Chippewa Falls area history.  I learned that all of this business has been in the family since it started, which is nice to see.  The only thing that is missing is how the businesses have affected the community.  I will research online to help answer that question.

3 thoughts on “Primary Resource

  1. These interviews sound interesting, and I’m wondering if there’s more to them to speak to? Who conducted these interviews and when? You read the transcripts, right? Since you’re particularly focusing on Leinenkugels, I’d love to learn more here about what the interview with Bill Leinenkugel said. What did you learn about Bill Leinenkugel and his early days with the Brewery?

    1. Oh, I mis-remembered your first post — you’re interested in all 3 local businesses. I’d extend my questions from just Leinenkugel to the other three: I bet there’s some rich, interesting information in these interviews that we’d like to hear more about.

  2. I was a little bit confused as I was reading through this, so are you researching the Brewery and the rehabilitation consultants, or are you doing more of a history of the Chippewa Valley area?

    Interviews will make a very good primary source, do you have any ideas for secondary source options yet? I would also suggest taking a look at suggested audience who is the intended audience?

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