Final Blog Post

Through the last couple of weeks, I have been researching the Paul Bunyan Camp located in Carson Park. Before researching in the archives, I have never even heard of it. Through the archives in the library however I was able to learn quite a bit about this wonderful camp. I discovered that the camp was not always located in Carson Park, and I also figured out why it was moved to Carson Park.


I am coming near the end of my research. With my main topic question answered, I still need to figure out how the city was able to fund such a massive relocation. The problem now is trying to sum up all of my research into one exploratory essay. Trying to figure out what to include and what not to include is the real challenge. There is so much information I wish to mention in my essay that it could easily top the one hundred page mark.


I am still eager to research more into the camp. I know I have not learned all there is to learn yet. Before the end of the semester I plan to visit it. After talking to students around campus they say it’s a cool place to visit sometime, and that it would be worth my time to spend a day there. Eau Claire’s logging past offers so much to learn about and this camp won’t be the last thing I look into about this city’s past.

3 thoughts on “Final Blog Post

  1. Really good summary! I agree that you should visit the camp before the end of the semester! Also, great that you included a question that you are still researching. I think that is also a really good question of what funded it? Hopefully you find your answer! Overall, great blogs, I loved reading them!!!

  2. Nice summary! Just reading your blog intrigues me to go and check out the logging camp. I’m glad you found out why it was moved to Carson Park. I hope you find out what funded the project and if anymore questions come to you I hope you can find the answers to that too.

  3. This blog was very well put together and I think it will really help you in writing your exploratory essay. Like you stated with a lot of good sources it will make writing the paper much easier. In the end of this blog post you talk about not learning all there is to learn yet. Are there any specific things you would like to like to look into that you do not know as of now? Really nice job though overall, I think this will be extremely helpful in writing your essay.

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