Leinenkugel Brewing Company (Blog Post 2)

The first source I decided to use is that of the Leinenkugle’s website (leinie.com). Seeing that my questions pertain to things that happen long ago, it is difficult to find primary sources. I figured this would be the best source to build a base of information off of. I liked the idea of starting with the Leinenkugl’s website as my first source, because it provided a brief yet informative timeline of the brewery. (https://leinie.com/Heritage.aspx#)

The timeline provided key points in the in the brewery’s history, starting back from the beginning all the way till our previous year of 2013. Where the timeline lacks debts in information, it shows the key points and changes the brewery has adapted to in its 147 years of existence. From this I was able to gather some information to answer my question of what changes the Leinenkugel Brewing had to make over its history. One of the key time periods I was most interested in is that of the prohibition era. I found out that in 1919 when the prohibition had passed the Leinenkugel Brewing switched from brewing beer to brewing “Leino,” a non-alcoholic beer.  In 1920 the brewery took on bottling soda water. By the end of the prohibition Leinenkugel had become the largest bottler of soda water in the area. In 1933 when the prohibition came to an end the brewery “quickly” began making beer again. Another key point in the timeline is that of the Miller/ Leinenkugel merger that occurred in 1988.

Though I got one of my key research questions answered I still would like to know more about how Jacob Leinenkugel the founder of the brewery got it all started, along with more details about different periods in the brewery’s long history. A new question I would like to research is, why did the Leinenkugel Brewery decided to merge with the Miller Brewing Company?

5 thoughts on “Leinenkugel Brewing Company (Blog Post 2)

  1. Hi. Nice to have a resource online. I went through the Leinenkugel website and I found some interesting images which might help your readers understand better about Jacob Leinenkugel that you might want to consider adding. The resource you choose has more information to it and I wonder how did this Brewing company became famous? Is this a family business brewing company or is it a brewing company that became famous because of its taste?

  2. Good first source to use to get simple knowledge of the company. Now that you know about these events that happened to the company you can go and do more research on these specific events. It was a good idea to start at he companies website and then expand from there.

  3. Very good first research post. I like that you got the information from the Leinenkugel site. There is little doubt about the information’s credibility, but there is also some question about bias. So in your exploratory essay, touch on the possibility of bias. Good new question about the merger between Miller and Leinenkugel’s. I was also wondering about that as well. I think it was for financial backing and support. Now that they don’t have to worry about money a lot, they can focus on making their craft beers.

  4. I am also doing my research on the Leinenkugel Brewery. I thought that it was a very good strategy to start your research on Leinenkugel’s actual website. I believe that this website gives the most accurate information because it is coming straight from the company. I think a key point that you could continue to research on is how the Leinenkugel Brewery was able to quickly continue making their beer again after prohibition had ended. The company had kept their brewing equipment in place, so that when prohibition ended, they could start up again with no road bumps from not having their equipment unready.

  5. This is an interesting topic it will be very cool learning about something that has so much history in Wisconsin. A few suggestions I would have would be to talk more about your source, instead of just putting up the link of a website, I am not saying this site won’t be a useful secondary source I am just saying to talk more about it. I think it would be a good idea to possible go into more detail when summarizing some of the sources content, and also talking about rhetorical context of your source. Lastly you talk somewhat about this source answering one of your research questions, maybe talk about how it answered it.

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