Michael J. Faris
Assistant Professor | Technical Communication & Rhetoric
Texas Tech University
Visualizing Queer Rhetoric Citation Networks
I am currently working on a project to visualize the citation networks of queer rhetorical scholarship, drawing on the annotated bibliography Matt Cox and I published in Present Tense. With approximately 250 entries, this bibliography is a fairly comprehensive list of queer rhetorical scholarship in both English studies and communication studies.
You can see and play with some of the visualizations I've been creating by following the links below. Note: These visualizations are unlikely to work on small screens (like mobile phones).
- The entire citation network, from text to text (marked by author and year)
- The entire citation network, from text to author
- Citation network of all the journals cited by texts in the bibliography
- A co-citation network (warning: this page is slow to load because of the network size)
- The co-citation network with an edge weight threshold of more than 4
- Co-citation network of all the journals cited
this site is under construction