rhetoric and psychoanalysis

There’s a pretty good conversation starting up at The Blogora on Rhetoric and Psychoanalysis. If you’re interested, check it out.

(An addition: I’m engaged in an argument with my cousin on Facebook about homosexuality. With the Iowa supreme court ruling on marriage, she seems intent on showing how homosexuality is abnormal. And of course, I’m intent on (and attached to) showing her fallacious reasoning. Doesn’t do much good when we’re attached to/identify with different things. If there’s ever been stronger evidence that psychoanalysis is needed more in rhetorical theory, I think it’s the Conservative Christian/Gay(sometimes Queer) divide in our current cultural/political climate.)

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2 Responses to rhetoric and psychoanalysis

  1. N.zeit says:

    It just really hit me how hard it must be for one not to be completely accepted for who one is by the 1 group of people that are supposed to love you no matter what.

    I mean I hear it all the time … about how hard the coming out process is … but I never really placed it in the context your post does (i.e a conversation/debate, albeit on a very public format, about something that is at the core of who one is).

    I don’t know but I think it would make me go a lot crazy if my family (immediate and extended) don’t see me as normal or just accept me as I am.

    it takes a lot of courage … a lot.

  2. Michael says:

    Thanks, N.

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