resources I want to read sometime

In the back of Leigh Ryan’s The Bedford Guide for Writing Tutors, Leigh has an annotated bibliography of resources to check out. I want to make a note here of some that I’m interested in finding:

Harris, Muriel. “Composing Behaviors of One- and Multi-Draft Writers.” College English 51 (1989): 174-90.

Harris, Muriel. “Talking in the Middle: Why Writers Need Writing Tutors.” College English 57 (1995): 27-42.

Harris, Muriel. “The Roles a Tutor Plays: Effective Tutoring Techniques.” English Journal 69.9 (1980): 62-65.

Rose, Mike. Writer’s Block: The Cognitive Dimension. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1984.

Sommers, Nancy. “Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers.” College Composition and Communication 31 (1980): 378-88.

Wall, Susan V. “The Languages of the Text: What Even Good Students Need to Know about Re-Writing.” Journal fo Advanced Composition 7.1-2 (1987): 31-40.

Amigone, Grace Ritz. “Writing Lab Tutors: Hidden Messages That Matter.” The Writing Center Journal 2.2 (1982): 24-29.

Branscomb, Eric. “Types of Conferences and the Composing Process.” The Writing Center Journal 7 (1986): 27-35.

Hynds, Susan. “Perspectives on Pespectives in the Writing Center Conference.” Focuses 2.2 (1989): 77-89.

Morrow, Diane Stelzer. “Tutoring Writing: Healing or What?” College Composition and Communication 42 (1991): 218-29.

Murphy, Christina, and Joe Law, eds. Landmark Essays on Writing Centers. Davis: Hermagoras, 1995.

Murphy, Christina, and Steve Sherwood. The St. Martin’s Sourcebook for Writing Tutors. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995.

Murray, Donald M. “The Listening Eye: Reflections on the Writing Conference.” College English 41 (1979): 13-18.

Stay, Byron, Chistina Murphy, and Eric H. Hobson, eds. Writing Center Perspectives. Emmitsburg: National Writing Center Association Press, 1995.

(This list is a lot longer than expected, but I can make this long term goals.)

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One Response to resources I want to read sometime

  1. Lisa Ede says:

    Sounds good! Just FYI Mike Rose now has some reservations about the cognitive grounding of his earlier work on writing blocks, but it still is interesting reading.

    Andrea Lunsford has an article in WCJ on three visions of writing centers that is often cited.


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