Second source

My next source is an honor student’s paper from Eau Claire about Bill Zorn and what he has done on and for this campus.  “’Mr. Enthusiasm’: Bill Zorn, Athletic Director, Dean or Men, Coach, Instructor University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire 1928-1968” by Zachary J. Ryan.  This source goes through the life of Bill Zorn but really focuses on his time at Eau Claire and what he did for the university.

This source will have a good rhetorical context because it comes from a secondary source that is also a student at Eau Claire and could help me establish certain ideas.  I also am using it because they listed their sources so I have access to more sources that are both primary and secondary.  The author set up this paper by describe some of the great coaches in college and compared Bill Zorn and all his achievements to them.  This showed credibility of this paper and how Bill Zorn really made an impact on Eau Claire athletics.

This source tell the story of how Bill Zorn became a coach, the dean of men, athletic director at Eau Claire.  It shows how he worked his way up and how he gained respect from many people.  It looks at the different part of how he was involved on this campus, which was the sports side and the dean of men position that he held.   I believe this source will be a good source use because it is coming from a similar view as a student and I can use this to find other sources that will also be of use.  I also believe that because this is a secondary source and has biased views that it could contradict my views.

7 thoughts on “Second source

  1. This seems like it is a really good source. Did you find it in the archives? I think this will help show you multiple aspects of his life and what people thought of him. I don’t know anything about him except that there ‘Zorn Arena” is named after him, (I’d assume?) It is interesting to see a man that had such a big impact on this school, and played so many different roles as a job. This source will for sure give you a good hands on look at why he is so important, and who he really is. I assume it will do a great job at answering your question at hand, “Who really is Bill Zorn?”.

  2. It looks like this source will is very helpful in finding out who he really is. The fact that it gave other sources that you can look into is helpful too. Maybe some of the other sources that the student used had some information about what he did before his time at Eau Claire. It would be interesting to look into that.

  3. Interesting source. Do you know how or where did this honors student get these information about Bill Zorn? Is there any specific event or incident that made Bill Zorn a person to be remembered in history or famous. Reading your post made me ask myself these questions. This will at least make your audience have a better understanding about Bill Zorn.

  4. The topic that you are researching of Bill Zorn is extremely interesting. Having played basketball at Eau Claire this past year, I am extremely interested in your findings on him from a basketball standpoint and also from his other positions in which he held at Eau Claire. I believe that this source will benefit you substantially because of the secondary source being the paper from a student. Was this student around at the time Bill Zorn was employed at Eau Claire, or is it a recently written Paper? Bill Zorn was involved in so many different activities and programs at Eau Claire, and I think it would be interesting to learn about how he managed his time when involved in all of these positions.

  5. Bill Zorn, what a great topic choice! I’ve only heard stories about how great of a man he was, and I have yet to hear an unkind word about him. It sounds like you are really amped to find new sources about Mr. Zorn. I do however suggest you might want to describe the source in more detail to your future audiences. I’m also curious to what questions you may have on Zorn. You never really mentioned what questions this source might have answered for you. Good luck in your future research!

  6. I think this source could be really helpful for your topic. I have heard about Bill Zorn a lot but did not know anything about him. But is Zorn Arena building really named after Bill Zorn? You could learn a lot from this source because this source is pretty much focus only on Bill Zorn. But it would be better if you explain more about him on your post like little bit more detail summarizing for your audience. I am looking forward to learning more about him like what he really did for the University!

  7. This seems to be a great source because it is coming from a source that is hard to question. A student from UWEC writing about Bill Zorn who actually effected UWEC is better than some random journalist writing about Bill Zorn because there wasn’t any personal connection there. This is a great source and I am excited to see what you find next!

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