About This Blog

Hello, my name is Claire Ridley, I am a freshman at University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire. In this first year writing class we were assigned to pick a topic about some type of history that took place in Wisconsin. I chose prohibition, and the effects it took on Wisconsin. I have become aware that Wisconsin is known as a “big drinking state”, due to stories I’ve heard and people simply mentioning it to me. I wanted to learn how, and why drinking became so popular in Wisconsin, and what the people in this state did during the times of prohibition. Many of my posts reflect information I retrieved from sources I found online, and I attempt to explain what I learned from these respective resources, an why they have helped me with my research process. I hope you find this research as interesting as I did, enjoy!

My header image is from the Prohibition in the United States Wikipedia page, it is a photo of men and women drinking in a bar, post-prohibition. Before prohibition, the bars and saloons were aimed mainly for men, but opened up more following prohibition.

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