How’s My Research Going?

So far for my research I have been able to find out the history of Wisconsin of a drinking state. I have learned some of the impacts that prohibition had on the bars and breweries however have not found a lot about the specific questions relating to Eau Claire. It has been a lot easier for me to find history about brewing and the general state of Wisconsin instead, Milwaukee specifically, rather than Eau Claire. I have decided to aim my research towards Milwaukee, which I found out is considered the “brewing capital of the United States”. It is local enough that I believe I will be able to maximize my research results accordingly.

While learning about Milwaukee I have also learned about the contribution that the German immigrants made on the city’s brewing success. I haven’t learned as much about the aftermath as I would like, such as if or if not there were tax changes, or any other dramatic changes. I will look to see if I can find more information about the Eau Claire area, however I think I will be more successful if I hold my focus on the Milwaukee area. There is just more information about the general concepts I am looking for when I broaden my search away from the Eau Claire area, but I will definitely keep my eyes open for credible sources that will give me the information I am looking for.

3 thoughts on “How’s My Research Going?

  1. I think it was a very smart idea to go and research more information about Milwaukee instead of Eau Claire. If Milwaukee is the the brewing city of the United States I would almost say that’s more interesting to learn about than being local and learning about Eau Claire. When continuing you research I think you should continue with focusing on Milwaukee because that might prove to be easier and more interesting. Overall I thought this blog was good at letting us know what you have learned and what you want to research in the future.

  2. It would be interesting to find out more information but with the limited time available shifting your question accordingly to focus on Milwaukee is a smart decision since it will provide you with better source material for you exploratory essay. As a reader it would be interesting to see the effects that organized crime had in Wisconsin during prohibition and if switching to Milwaukee did Chicago have an impact on prohibition since at that time Al Capone was a huge influence on the central distribution of alcohol of the Midwest. Overall, it will be interesting to see how Milwaukee was impacted during the prohibition and the last effect it had on the brewing industry.

  3. I think the switch on the focus of your research to Milwaukee will benefit you in the long run. It sounds like their is a lot more information on brewing in Milwaukee than in Eau Claire. Since Milwaukee is known to be the brewing capital of our country, how did this city come to get this nickname? What did it go through in prohibition with the city consisting of multiple breweries? Overall, this concluding blog post summed up your journey of your research and gave a good look into where you want to go with your research.

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