how to tell someone they did something racist

A video via The Bilerico Project:

Nothing extremely new here, but he does raise the point about people who are told they did something racist, but then talk about how they are not racist. It seems to me that even when you focus on actions and effects, people want to turn the conversation into intent and identity.

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3 Responses to how to tell someone they did something racist

  1. Julie says:

    hmmm i can see this on my blackboard for 121…

  2. Michael says:

    That seems like a good idea, Julie! Perhaps I’ll use it this year as well…

  3. Laura says:

    That strikes me as a helpful way to understand the whole “do not judge lest you be judged” thing. Don’t do any ontological judging (presumably, God’s job, if anyone’s) — i.e., another person’s identity, nature, destiny, etc etc. But we can’t get around not doing a bit of the everyday “this is unacceptable behavior because it hurts me, or someone else, in this way” kind of judging.

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