Outside: the MMORPG

A few weeks ago, Dennis linked to this amazing review of Outside, which is, unfortunately, only part of a longer thread. Classic:

Traditionally Outside receives extremely high ratings by those who like to see others play it, and these people are in many cases comfortably ensconced Inside themselves. Outside was released many years ago, it was in fact the first massively multiplayer game, and yet it has always managed to avoid the double-edged Retro tag. In its favor, continual user updates have kept Outside current; there are always new things to see and do Outside. Participants are permitted, to some extent, to modify their own areas of Outside, which is a large part of the fun of the game. However it seems that in the end one is modifying Outside largely for the sake of it, and having done it, there is a distinct feeling of “now what?”

Go read the rest. (Thanks to Luke for pointing out that Dennis was not linking to a review of an actual MMORPG.)

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